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  • Writer's pictureShubham Garg

What is Google People Card? How to Create Google People Card? Why it matters?

Google People Card is a virtual business card or an online profile that allows individuals to showcase their professional information directly on Google Search. It serves as a way for people to control and manage their online presence and provide relevant information about themselves to others who may search for them on Google.

To create a Google People Card, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Google Account.

  2. Search for your name or "add me to Search" on Google.

  3. Look for the "Add yourself to Google Search" option.

  4. Click on "Get Started" to begin creating your People Card.

  5. Fill in the required information, including your name, profession, location, bio, education, work experience, and social media profiles.

  6. You can also add a profile photo, contact details, and other optional information.

  7. Review your information and click "Preview" to see how your People Card will appear.

  8. Once you are satisfied, click on "Save" to publish your People Card on Google Search.

Why it matters:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: Creating a Google People Card can significantly increase your online visibility, especially for professionals, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and individuals who want to be found by others searching for their expertise or services.

  2. Personal Branding: It allows you to control the information displayed about yourself, ensuring that accurate and relevant details are presented to those who search for you. You can highlight your skills, achievements, and professional background, shaping your personal brand image.

  3. Easy Contact: Google People Card enables you to provide contact details such as email, phone number, or social media profiles, making it easier for others to reach out to you.

  4. Networking Opportunities: By having a well-crafted People Card, you increase your chances of connecting with potential clients, collaborators, or employers who come across your profile during their online searches.

  5. Credibility and Trust: A People Card can enhance your credibility and establish trust among those who find your profile. It allows you to showcase your qualifications, experience, and accomplishments, building confidence in your professional abilities.

Remember, while creating a Google People Card can be beneficial, it's essential to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information you provide, as it will shape the impression people have of you when they come across your profile on Google Search. Read more about Google people card visit our official site.

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